1. What is the process of requesting a University transport vehicle?

a) The user requests for transport by filling a requisition form at least 14 days prior to the intended date of departure.
b) The user department forwards the completed AIE form to the Finance Officer for availing of funds.
c) The Finance officer forwards the completed form to the authorizing officer for approval.
d) Authorizing officer forwards the form to the Central transport officer to confirm the availability of the motor vehicle.
e) Central transport officer forwards this requisition form to the DVC (A&F) for approval.
f) Once DVC (A& F) approves, the central transport officer issues a permit to the user department indicating the motor vehicle registration number and dates of departure and return.

2. How do I procure a new University vehicle for the Department?

a) The user department makes a request to procure a new vehicle as per the approved budget.
b) The user has to support itself by giving justifications for the request to buy a new vehicle.
c) The user department with the assistance of the Transport & Garage Department comes up with specifications.
d) The New vehicle to the University is acquired either through direct purchase or by donations.
e) Newly acquired vehicles are inspected by Transport and Garage Department.
f) Capital Section of the Finance Department is the custodian of logbooks, insurance covers and government inspection documents.
g) Transport office opens a file to record fuel and repair maintenance data.
h) The vehicle is handed over to the user department.

3. What is the process of fueling a University vehicle?

a) Transport Officer/College Registrar/HOD shall forward to Finance Officer the name of a driver/any other Officer to be given fuel card.
b) The driver assigned a vehicle/cardholder shall request for replenishment of fuel from Finance Officer through the Transport Manager.
c) The vehicle is fuelled using fuel cards at authorized petrol stations.
d) The driver/cardholder shall acknowledge receipt of correct fuel quantity by signing against fuel invoice.
e) The driver will then record the same data on the invoice in the work ticket.
f) Monthly submissions of fuel cards and receipts with work tickets forwarded to Finance Officer.
g) The fueling station shall submit invoices and reconciliations with monthly statements to the Finance Officer.
h) The report of fuel efficiency is submitted to DVC (FPD) for action on payment and holding cardholders with high fuel consumption and other malpractices accountable.

4. What is the process for inspection of a motor vehicle?

a) Motor vehicle driver collects Log-book of the vehicle from Capital Section of Finance Department.
b) Books for inspection at Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and obtains receipts indicating the date of inspection.
c) Prepare the vehicle for inspection by carrying out necessary repairs e.g. checking/confirming speed governor is working.
d) The vehicle is taken to the motor vehicle inspection Unit to advise on the required repairs/defects noted. e) An inspection report is forwarded for urgent action.
f) Compliance certificate valid for 12 months is issued and displayed on the motor vehicle windscreen.

5. How do I go about motor vehicle repairs & service?

a) The user makes a request for service based on mileage covered (5,000km; 10,000km).
b) The vehicle is inspected by the garage Foreman to validate repair requests and prepares repair specifications.
c) Specifications summarizing repair details and parts to be bought /replaced are forwarded to the user’s Procurement Section.
d) Repair may be done internally or to a prequalified garage.
e) Upon repair, the vehicle is re-inspected by the Garage Foreman and internal acceptance Committees before handing over to the user.

6. How do I proceed in reporting an accident of a University motor vehicle?

a) In case of an accident, inform the office immediately so that the same may be relayed to insurance within 24 hours.
b) The report to include the registration number of vehicle, date and place of accident.
c) The report is forwarded to the Finance Officer who informs insurance with supportive documents namely: Police abstract; Drivers’ driving license; duly signed claim form and driver’s written statement
d) For comprehensively covered motor vehicles, if excess payable exceeds the actual repair value, the University will repair damages.
e) If the accident is not reported within the stipulated time as (a) above, the insurance will not honour the claim and therefore the driver in question will be held responsible for the repair cost.
f) In case the cover was third party, the repair cost of the vehicle is borne by the University.

7. What are the irregularities/offenses committed while driving a University motor vehicle?

a) Work ticket not carried in the motor vehicle.
b) Unauthorized journeys.
c) Authorized journeys but unlawful.
d) Driver’s name and personnel number not reflected on work ticket.
e) Authorizing officer’s name, personnel number, designation and signature not reflected in the work ticket.
f) Time out not indicated on work ticket.
g) Speedo reading not entered in previous journeys or insufficiently recorded.
h) Kilometers at the end of the journey not indicated in work ticket.
i) Vehicle off the authorized route or carrying unauthorized passengers or goods.
j) Drive a vehicle with a dysfunctional speed meter with worn-out tyres.
k) Leave motor vehicle unattended.
l) University and or department name not printed on work ticket.
m) Use of UoN vehicle without a number plate.
n) Advance authorizing of the journey.
o) Operate before/after official hours without authority.
p) Driver’s failure to renew a driving license or driving a vehicle without a driving license.
q) Failure to stop when stopped by the police officer.
r) Failure to fasten seat belts.
s) Driving while drunk.

8. How do I go about disposing of obsolete or idle motor vehicles?

a) The user department identifies obsolete/surplus, aged and uneconomical motor vehicles for disposal.
b) The list is forwarded to the Disposal Committee to set reserve disposal value/price.
c) The Disposal Committee ensures that the disposal units are bonded, preserved and valued for the purpose of disposal.
d) The disposal committee recommends to the Vice-Chancellor the method of disposing of the motor vehicles.
e) Upon receipt of approval, the disposal committee advertises for disposal

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