Our contacts

Email: transport@uonbi.ac.ke
Telephone: 020 4913152, 0204918140

While seeking our services, you are welcome to provide us with feedback in the form of suggestions, observations, complaints, or even commendation. These will be valued in our endeavor to improve our services.

Use the avenue of contact that best suits you below:

Director, Facility Management,
Facility Management Department,
University of Nairobi,
P.O. Box 30197, 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 020-4913035, 020-4913154
Email: estates-manager@uonbi.ac.ke
Physical Address: Hurry Thuku Rd, American Wing Complex, Transport Section.

The Chief Operations Officer,
University of Nairobi,
P.O. Box 30197 – 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 020-491 3005, 020-4913006 
Email: coo@uonbi.ac.ke  

Mkurugenzi, Usimamizi wa Vifaa,
Idara ya Vifaa,
Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi
P.O. Box 30197 – 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya. 
Tel: 020-491 3035, 020-4913154
Email: estates-manager@uonbi.ac.ke

Afisa Mkuu wa Shughuli
Chuo Kikuu Cha Nairobi
S.L.P. 30197 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya. 
Simu: 020-4913005, 020-4913006
Barua pepe: coo@uonbi.ac.ke

Published Date