
The management of the University’s properties, housing, utilities and maintaining the registry and records of both landed property and facilities.


To be a leader in the management of land and property and build a solid financial base to contribute to the success of the University’s Mission and Vision


To provide, maintain, maximize the use of the current physical facilities, develop and re-develop existing land resource, facilitate acquisition of quality physical facilities and land resource to enable the University to attain its Mission and Vision

Core values

In order to realize the above vision and mission, certain shared values shall be nurtured by the department. The department shall ensure:

Innovativeness and creativity: Staff shall be encouraged to share ideas and professional experience and innovations.

Quality customer service: The department shall provide quality services for all-round satisfaction.

Teamwork and team spirit: Teamwork and team spirit shall be encouraged in the department.

Professionalism: The department in its actions and interactions shall maintain ethical behavior, professional etiquette and honesty.

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